Fresh Start Effect

20 Day Challenge


 What is the Fresh Start Effect?

Welcome to the 2022 Fresh Start Effect challenge, the daily blog challenge which aims to provide bit size ideas to improve your health and wellbeing and develop them into lasting healthy habits. Each post is 2-3 minutes in reading or action, followed by the science of why this activity is beneficial to enhancing your wellbeing and bouncing back.

There has never been a better time to focus on your wellbeing but, did you know that certain days in the year allow us to reset and make a fresh start? According to psychological science, the ‘Fresh Start Effect’ refers to the human tendency to take action towards achieving a goal after a temporal landmark.

There are two types of temporal landmarks: social or personal. Everyone shares social landmarks: first day of the new year, Monday as the first day of the week, etc. The personal landmarks include: first day back in the office, anniversary, birthday or job changes, etc.

For many of us, 2022 allows us to start afresh, draw a line under the events of 2021, reflect on the bigger picture and the things that matter to us. This reset could focus on our wellbeing and re-establish healthy routines disrupted over the last year.

We know for most people, there is a gap between where they are right now and where they want to be in the future. However, small intentional choices can make a big difference over time, and by understanding that change is not linear, people can persist long enough to see the change.

Join us to explore a fresh start for your health and wellbeing with 20 new health hacks to help you be the best version of yourself.


So let's get started!

Duncan Young

Wellbeing coach

 Week One

Week Two


 Week Three


 Week Four