Challenge 04 - Walk with Me

“Walking is man’s best medicine.” Hippocrates


Today’s challenge is to simply walk somewhere.


With so many wellbeing choices these days, simple things are often overlooked. Imagine if we designed a drug that enhanced physical health, lifted our mood, helped us sleep, made us more creative, increased our happiness and reduced our risks for anxiety, depression as well as other mental ills. ‘If walking was a pill, it would be a called a wonder drug! Did I mention it was virtually free and needed only basic equipment? 


Okay I am sure you are now convinced, so here are some ideas to get you moving:


  • Morning walking. It occurs when willpower is high and more likely to happen

  • Purposeful walking. Paced so you can hear your breath but still hold a conversation, ideal for cardio-vascular fitness.

  • Opportunistic walking. Substitute all or part of car trip, step off the train one stop earlier or park your car at the furthest end of the car parki in order to increase incidental steps.

  • Work walking. Walk between meeting locations, organise a daily walking meeting or walk on a virtual call.

  • Social walking – walk locally to promote social interactions in your neighbourhood or office. Or walk rhythmically together with a friend and strengthen bonds with a shared purpose.

  • Creative walking. Take your problems outside walking and create up to 60% more divergent thinking outcomes.

  • Neurogenesis walking. Walk anywhere to connect and support the growth of white-brain cells.

  • Awe walking. Walk to pay attention to detail and look at everything with fresh, childlike eyes to improve mood and amplify awe.


Whether you want to improve your mood, physical health, or simply take a break, consider walking somewhere.


So, where might you walk today?  (survey)



1.     White matter plasticity in healthy older adults: The effects of aerobic exercise.  Colmenaress. 2021

2.     Big smile, small self: Awe walks promote prosocial positive emotions in older adults. V. Strem. 2020

3.     In Praise of Walking: The new science of how we walk and why it’s good for us. S.O'Mara. 2019


Further reading




** Disclaimer – Part of the Fresh Start Effect / Build Your Ideal Day Program by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Challenge 03 - Coping with Stress


Challenge 05 - Grit