Challenge 11 - Nature Walk

The more nature, the better you feel. Florence Williams

Today’s challenge is to get outside and take some fresh air.


Increasing urbanisation has more people living in cities than in rural areas. However, our connection to nature is hardwired, and without regular exposure, it can impact our wellbeing, this disconnection, and its impact, has been named ‘nature deficit disorder’.


Research confirms the benefits of immersing yourself in nature but even a view of nature helps. Hospital patients with views over green roofs show improved recovery post-surgery1, prison inmates with views of trees (versus brick walls) experience lower physical and mental illness2 and ‘forest bathing’ has been shown to have a positive effect on the mental and cardiovascular health as well as the activation of immunity supporting cells.


The good news is that you don’t need to be in prison, hospital or deep in a forest to experience benefits, and it may help your productivity, especially if you need to disconnect or be creative. A simple walk from your home or work to a park with greenery can make an impact in as little as 15 minutes.


Where might you go outside to improve your wellbeing today? Share your ideas



1.     Green roofs and hospitals. Roger Ulrich. 1984

2.     Inmates with views of trees 24% less likely to have physical or mental illness. State prison of Southern Michigan


Further reading

  • Read: The Nature Fix: Why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative. 2017. Florence Williams

  • Listen: Outside Podcast: Florence Williams on the Nature fix

  • Watch: Why bother leaving the house. Ben Saunders


** Disclaimer – Part of the Fresh Start Effect / Build Your Ideal Day Program by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Challenge 10 - Finding Strength


Challenge 12 - Focus & Attention