Challenge 10 - Finding Strength

Focusing on what works, works. Tal Ben-Shahar


Today's challenge is to put your strengths to work every day.


Positive psychology is a field of science, developed in the late 1990's as a way to counterbalance the intense focus on psychopathology. Positive psychology emphasizes what is good about people and is described as 'the scientific study of what goes right in life'1


It may seem counter-intuitive, but it can be easier to achieve success using your strength than focusing on your weakness. Gallup research of 1.1 million people and 63 countries confirms that people and organisations who reported using their strengths daily were part of teams and or businesses that were the highest performing.


It takes more effort to build performance by focusing on weakness, so instead, let's focus on the things that work. Ask yourself these two questions: firstly, what are your strengths? (i.e. what are you good at?) followed by a second question, what gives you strength (i.e. what are you energised by or passionate about)


On a personal note, I have found strength research invaluable over the years. Two consistent strengths that have guided my work career are grit and curiosity. Grit has helped me navigate the highs and lows of my 27-year career at Lendlease across multiple businesses and regions. My curiosity about nature and human performance has opened new career streams, namely head of sustainability for UK Retail in 2007 and head of workplace wellbeing in 2016.


So a question for you. What is your strength, and what gives your strength? survey




1.     Tal Ben-Shahar

Further reading

Read: Why Leaders Should Focus On Strengths, Not Weaknesses

Watch: Tal Ben Shahar Strengths


** Disclaimer – Part of the Fresh Start Effect / Build Your Ideal Day Program by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Challenge 09 - Social Connection


Challenge 11 - Nature Walk