Challenge 12 - Focus & Attention

Sterile cockpits: when pilots are below 10,000 feet only conversations that directly relate to flying the aircraft are possible.

Today's challenge is to create time and space for focus and concentration on the things that matter most without disruption. Ideally, you will create your own cockpit without leaving the tarmac.


So what is the sterile cockpit rule? Several aviation accidents occurred when crew attention was diverted with items unrelated to flying. The aviation regulator instituted a rule that forbids any unnecessary actions or conversations in the aircraft cockpit during the most critical parts of the flights. This usually occurs under 10,000 feet of altitude for activities such as the taxi, take-off and approach and landing phases.


According to Cal Newport our ability to focus is declining, and although most of us are not flight crew, the world is increasing in complexity, and those who can develop the skill of focusing are more likely to succeed. The impact of distraction is evident across multiple industries, including the hospital, where nurses who can use 'do-not-disturb vests' to work distraction-free reduce errors in medication distribution dropped by 47%.


So how might we build your own deep work muscle and create environments for distraction-free work?


  • Invest in your wellbeing – sleep, nutrition, physical activity, etc all help us focus.

  • Create a focus cacoon – this could be as simple as a room free of distractions or as elaborate as your own 'writers cabin.'

  • Create a regular time for focus – understand your chronotype and peak focus times.

  • Electronically disconnect – silence all devices and set the alarm if needed to signal the end of the session.


So how might you turn off the autopilot and start flying your own plane in a focused manner? Tell us here




1.     Federal Aviation Authority rules - FAR 121.542 and 135.100

2.     Kaiser Permanente South San Francisco nurse


Further reading

Read:  The Benefits of a Productive Cocoon. Daniel Goldman

Listen: The Hidden Brain  Cal Newport

Watch: Deep Work Cal Newport


** Disclaimer – Fresh start effect & 30 Day challenge by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Challenge 11 - Nature Walk


Challenge 13 - Progress Principle