Challenge 07 - Gratitude

Generosity moves us from hopeless to hopeful

Today’s challenge is to be more grateful.

Grateful feelings buffer us from psychological ill health and provide a bolstering effect to maintain mental health despite the crisis by lowering stress levels and increasing positive emotions, life satisfaction, and resilience. When we have been physically distanced from our friends, gratitude can also facilitate the development and maintenance of social relationships.1

In addition, gratitude practiced daily has been shown to predict life satisfaction strongly (aka happiness2) and improve your physical health. Practicing gratitude improves sleep, boosts immunity, and decreases the risk of disease.3

So how might you incorporate a practice of gratitude? There are multiple activities that can increase gratitude, including writing a gratitude diary, reflecting daily five things you are grateful for, or intentionally sharing how grateful you are with others, such as thank you cards or messages. Random acts of kindness, such as, helping someone with directions or someone who is struggling under a heavy shopping load or holding a door open for someone to cross through are all prosocial actions that express our thanks for others.I like that such small actions can make a difference to others. When I was in cafe queue ordering, my friend prepaid a coffee for a health worker in the queue behind us. Their delight and surprise were palpable as being acknowledged as essential services during the recent pandemic. So much joy for as little as $4.00.

So what is your favourite act of gratitude? Tell us here



1.  A new perspective on the social functions of emotions: Gratitude and the witnessing effect. 2019. S. Algoe

2.  Positive psychology in a pandemic: buffering, bolstering, and building mental health. 2020. L. Walters, et all.

3.  To improve your health practice gratitude. Mayoclinic.


Further reading

·     Read: Scientifically proven benefits of gratitude

·     Listen: The gratitude chain

·     Watch: Five Day gratitude challenge

** Disclaimer – Part of the Fresh Start Effect / Build Your Ideal Day Program by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Challenge 06 - Breathe to Lower Anxiety


Challenge 08 - Finding Flow