Day Five - Connection

Try making a connection with a weak relationship or someone you don't know for today's challenge.

It's as simple as having a conversation with your local barista or acknowledging someone you see regularly but don't interact with (think dog walk, school drop off, etc.). According to research by the University of Essex, connecting with a stranger, even just acknowledging someone is a proven mood booster and can help us broaden our perspective. 1

I am sure you agree that the workplace plays a big part in meeting our social needs but what happens if you could not travel to a workplace every day? Thanks to COVID restrictions, this is not a hypothetical question, and we are all learning what it's like to spend some time working remotely. Currently, 1-in-4 Australian's live alone, so physical isolation during this time is likely to have increased, so reaching out to a stranger could make a difference to both you and them.

Many of us are reluctant to talk to a stranger for fear that the person won't enjoy talking to us and that makes us keep to ourselves. But when we do talk to each other, those social interactions with strangers tend to be both less awkward and more enjoyable than most people predict according to Nicholas Epley, a University of Chicago behavioural scientist.2

Now more than ever, its time to ‘reach-out’ to a stranger!



  1. Is efficiency overrated? Minimal social interactions lead to belonging and positive affect. Gillian M Sandstrom. 2013. 

  2. Want to feel happier today? Try talking to a stranger. NPR. 26 July 2019


  • Read. Together: Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World. Together

  • Listen. BBC Loneliness experiment with Claudia Hammond Launch BBC loneliness experiment

  • Deep dive. Ending Loneliness Together is raising awareness around loneliness as a key social, health and economic issue and build the evidence-base and tools to end loneliness in Australia.  Ending loneliness

  • Practical tips. Ending loneliness together  - Tips to connect with others Connection tips


** Disclaimer – Part of the Build Your Ideal Day Program – 30 Day challenge by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Day Four - Recovery


Day Six - Being Better