Day Ten - Movement

Today’s challenge is to give your eyes a rest and reduce computer vision syndrome (yes there is such a thing).

Spending long periods viewing your computer, phone or tablet can strain the eyes and to prevent this problem is to simply look away. The recommendation is for every 20 minute period of viewing a screen, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds which is why this exercise is called the 20:20:20 exercise.

Eye strain is becoming a global problem as there is an increasing number of professionals who cannot do their work without the use of computers, and in some cases, we may ever use multiple screens. Have you ever worked on a computer for long periods only to break and then immediately look at another screen or phone, I certainly have and research suggest that Nearly nine out of 10 millennials (87 per cent) in their twenties used two or more devices simultaneously and 73 percent reported symptoms of digital eye strain. It’s no wonder we sometimes have sore eyes. 1

I am sure you already have the correct setup for your computer screen (top of screen slightly lower than eyes), screen distance (50-65sm), correct lighting, and glare control to reduce eye dryness and ensure a relaxed neck position. The other thing to consider when using a screen includes your ‘blink rate’ which may be reduced from a normal 17 / minute to around 12-15 / minute and can lead to dry and irritated eyes.  2

No doubt the above seem obvious but small intentional action can make a big difference when it comes to seeing your healthy future clearly.


  1. Impact of computer technology on health Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

    .Changes in blink rate blink

Further reading

  • Read: Digital Eye Strain Is Destroying Your Eyes

** Disclaimer – Part of the Build Your Ideal Day Program – 30 Day challenge by Duncan Young. All content and media on the Build Your Ideal Day Website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.


Day Nine - Nutrition


Day Eleven - Being Better